Wednesday, March 5, 2008

keychain flashlight

The encounter below happened about 1987. My brother, Brother-in-law, and myself all seen and heard the same things on that hill. It was a night that none of us can ever forget!

We were told by my father that we were going to run into something that we didnt want to see, But being the rebels we thought we were, We went anyway!. I think i was only about 10/ maybe 11. Iknew this part of the land pretty well. Walking it amost every day, Or at least a little of it everyday. As you step up to the tree line you cant really see much about the woods, But could almost make out a few paths.

We crossed the creek at the dam my father help us kids make to swim in the creek in the summer time. Dark does not come close to describing the setting of these woods at night, As a matter of fact their were no street lights, Only a porchlamp holding host for a 60watt bulb. At that, the light was on the wrong side of the house to have been able to help us see as we went up through the garden.
directly across the creek was a path running left to right, Left running back towards the house on the other side of the creek, To the right, dense, dark forest.
To the right we went! My brother in front of me, And myself in the back we walked quickly into the woods following a small beaten path no more than 2 feet wide in places. Our keychain flashlight would lite up an area about the size of a shoe box at best! We hadent walked far when the fear of being in the woods hit me, I was scared but not willing to show it, I followed behind.

The small flashlight seemed to almost get brighter as we walked farther into the woods. I know now as well as then that the light only seemed to get brighter because the woods were getting darker as we passed further in. We walked almost half of the way up the path before it splits into 2 paths, And decided to walk around the side of the hill to the left, Hopeing to end up on the path to the left when comming across the dam. Not far off the path. So we thought. As it was, We were almost 50 feet from the path, And didnt have the light to find it. We kept moveing in the direction of the left path, After about 3 mins we found it, We came down at a shallow slope of dirt where the sunlight didnt offer any help nor aid in groth of any vegatation. Entering the path from behind, I could see the small light beam emitting from the hand of my brother in law and just could make out the ground in front of him. He passed a medum size tree, and then a small bush, Maybe the bush was more like a small collection of brush. Directly after he passed the bush my brother passed it, I passed it by right after my brother and turned around to look at it as i passed. As my head started to turn a growl like the near thunder came rumbling out from the small bush/brush. As this was heard by the three of us, My brother in law turned with the light and lit the eyes of something that should have been standing. By standing i mean, The eyes were green. Not a green like grass green. They were a shade of green that my brother best decribes as TommyKnocker Green. The eyes were the strangest green that i had to that point ever seen. But the color didnt hold my intrest for long, The distance and size of the eyes took center stage at this show! As they peered at the three of us, It seemed like mins went by. But only seconds passed before this creature began to scream and growl shaking the shrub/bush like it was going to destroy the entire forrest. Fear didnt alow me to stand around and wonder much on the subject.

The eyes were at least 5 maybe 6 inches apart. The eyes themselves were about the size of a silver dollar. now im sure you are wondering to yourself, Maybe you have an idea about what it was that we seen. But let me add one more detail! When the eyes came into veiw, they were hideing behind a bush/shrub that was no higher off the ground then 2 feet! Whatever it was could hide behind something that offered no privacy, Nor protection! Whatever it was came into defense mode as we walked past it!

I didnt try to run from it, It didnt really seem to me at the time that i could have out run it! So the bright idea i came up with was to dive head first down the hill towards the house and just roll as far as gravity would allow me to go! Seems like i can remeber seeing the other two guys running down the hill off to the righ of me. But i am almost sure that i was moveing down that hill at the speed of smell. If that creature would have sneezed during my second roll, I would have been covered with snot. Seems i would have gotten to the bottom of the hill faster walking backwards!

After we went back into the house, We were met by my father who gave us a knowing grin and said" see, You ran into that thing didnt you?"