Thursday, September 18, 2008

The K.L.R.P


While I was working my father (Cecilsquatch) came into the lobby and i took a small break to sit down with him. After our hello's and how are ya's he began to tell me about his day.
He said to me..... I woke up this morning, and Jean was knocking on the door. After unlocking the door and letting her in, she began to tell me about something she had seen on the hill the day before. She told me that she was walking up the hill having a look around and stumbled upon what she described to me as a young Sasquatch. She went on to tell me that its body looked like it had been beaten to death. As if it had been in a horrific battle and only escaped the fight moments before bleeding to death.
She also told of the torso being ripped apart. Flaps of flesh and meat laying back against what was left of the chest. throat lay open, and blood all around.
Cecilsquatch went on to tell me of the excited manner in which she told of her amazing encounter with a young Sasquatch, being dead or not was still a very amazing thing to witness..
Now I know as well as many others may know that Cecilsquatch would not tell a story that belonged to someone else without first saying "Now this is only what I heard" or " I'm not saying this is true". So I am in no way posting this report as a possible juvenile Sasquatch body has been found. We all heard about the Hoax with the Sasquatch body in Georgia, and in no way do I want to put myself in that boat. I don't personally believe that I will see a young Sasquatch after walking up the hill to see it. But what I do believe is this.. 3 nights ago on the feed (oct-23-08) we heard what sounded like a dog being killed. Now whatever Jean seen laying dead on the hill could have been the creature fighting with the dog. So no matter how i look at this, it's worth walking up the hill to at least see what it is, and decide if it could have fought a large hound and put up a fight like we heard on the feed. So keep an eye out for the update on this as it may turn out to be interesting to say the least.
But what made this story really interesting to me is that Jean left her house at around 5:30am on a bicycle to reach my fathers home nearly 20 miles away. She must have been really excited to ride a bike that far just to tell Cecilsquatch about it.

Thanks again for your time and support.

Well the new site is now up and running as planned. It did take a little longer than expected,but everything seems to be running good at this point!
I would like to take this time to thank Jepfoot/Brian for all his hard work and efforts on the K.L.R.P site. Had it not been for this guy, the K.L.R.P would not look nothing like it does today. He has done most if not all of the graphics work on the site as well as all of the behind the scenes programing. So every time you log onto the K.L.R.P please keep in mind that Jepfoot created this site for me at no charge. He donated not only in cash sums,but also in hours of his free time that he could have spent with his family or on other PAYING jobs. So again Brian i say Thank you so very much for all you have done for this site!

In other news..

I received an email on the 9Th of October informing me that something was seen on the driveway cam moving from the left side of the screen to the right! After reviewing the video i seen nothing out of the ordinary. I then did a walk through of the area in question with LittlefootMC and we found what appeared to be 7 foot prints leading from the barbed wire fence going towards a garbage can belonging to the neighbor across the street! We then took pictures and a short video of the prints and area, then tried to remove leaves and debris from the possible tracks to get a better look at the detail. Only one of the tracks had enough detail to to determine that the tracks were indeed the tracks of what we believe to be the Sasquatch creature. The print had 5 noticeable toes with what appears to be a slight arch around the center of the foot.
The print was at least 2 days old when we found it, so no cast was made. But i do plan to lay a mud blanket around that area in the future to see if better tracks can be derived. Thanks to all of you for your support and invested time. You have all been really great at the Kentucky Incident and the K.L.R.P.