Saturday, April 12, 2008

Their is something to be said here.

I had set on the bed and been watching the History and heard something in the garage. It was the sound of bolts and nuts inside a 5 gallon plastic bucket being shaken. I knew what it was as soon as i heard it. And knew that the bucket was at least 30 to 40 pounds. It didn't sound like it had been picked up, But just a few good shakes. I then opened up the chat not logged in and pm'ed mel to fill her in, and seen something on the cam, I told her that i could see something moving in the brush to the right, And then told her what i had heard. I then logged on to the chat to see if anyone had seen anything at all, But no one had seen anything, At least it didn't seem like they had. Whatever it was walked up the hill just like we seen a few nights ago. After going over some of the video. I could see that whatever it was had walked down the hill and then did whatever it had set out to do, Then see once again it walk back up the hill. On this first video, you will want to fast forward to about 3:11:00, And watch just to the right of the center towards the top of the screen, it will show up and fiddle around a little then come down the hill. Though you dont see a lot of movement untill the video comes closer to 3:15:00.

In the video below, it starts off where the video above leaves off. And shows whatever it is messing around behind the brush, Then walking back up the hill.

Atlantus is a friend who has been coming to the live feed for awhile now, And has turned out to be an importaint part of this research. Here everyday, And not jumping to conclusions over everything that is seen. I received this picture from atlantus, And would like to say thanks for taking the time to save and send this to me.
A strange light in the woods on the right. After reviewing the video i cant say that i think it is a spiderweb in this shot, It clearly looks like something came into view (Maybe 1 eye shine) And then walked down the hill to the right. It then disappears off the right side of the screen. I have added the video under this picture so that you may watch it for yourself and tell me what you think it could be. The light object comes into the view at about 3:29:00, So that 3 hours and 29 mins into the video.

The live feed has been streaming to the public for 2 months now. So far we have not yet captured a Sasquatch on video, But we have heard some interesting audio, And most of the everyday returners have gotten an idea about the patterns of most of the local pets, live stock, And wildlife. Up to this point we have spent most of our time learning. That brings me to my point. Now that most of you have been to the site and spent some time watching the area, I want your idea's. I know that all of you have had idea's come to you while you watched the feed. Now i understand that their are a lot of people who will want to see their idea's put to practice here, And i am working on a system so that we can try all the idea's that you guys might have and want to see on the feed. So if you have an idea of a new bait that you would like to see set out in the view of the camera, then we can work it in, so that the person who requested it will know the time of placement so they may watch their bait idea be set. As i said, This is an idea that i have came up with to allow all of you to be a part of this, Rather than only watching, You will be able to see your idea's be used. For now it's only future plans. Thanks ...